Saturday 23 February 2013

Fun Night.........

Mum came walking with me this morning......DH had to start work early.

I drove Jacob out to Ultima so he could spend the day with his girlfriend and I detoured into Swan Hill on the way back to get fuel and get some cream for the sponge Grandma made.

Grandma and I made a heap of salads for our BBQ tea.
We had way too much food ( as usual )
Mum and Bruce , my brother and one of his boys and my cousins were all here for tea.
The kids played table tennis and had their music up very loud ( you know the stuff.......banging bass and lyrics that you can't understand )
But they had fun........
The grown ups were having a ball inside taking funny pictures on the iPad of each other with twisted up faces , long faces , squares faces and we even looked like aliens........we were laughing so hard.

No sewing today.........I did read some though.

The girls laid 6 eggs today.

Until Next Time.

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