Friday 11 November 2011

Remembrance Day

What can I do with these 1" HST?
The 2 " HST are next to them.
I have sewn a little today and did some cutting too.
And a bit of designing as well.
Which makes us do things wrong or make mistakes.
Bugger !

As Zac is a school captain he and his friend Shane had the honour of laying a wreath at the war memorial today for Remembrance Day.
Then they had lunch at the RSL club.
At least they didn't have to make a speech this time as they did on ANZAC day.

I took the boys out to their uncles place on the river where DH is camping.
Our roast chicken was great , pototoes and pumpkin in foil in the coals.
Very tasty.
Zac is staying out there for the weekend. Shane, his friend, is getting dropped out there in the morning.
So at least he will company his own age.

Zac caught this fish 5 minutes after he threw his line in.
It went back in as you can't keep brim.

The girls layed 14 eggs today.

Until Next Time.

1 comment:

Impera Magna said...

Love those little HSTs... I have a pile I need to do something with... maybe this weekend!

I enjoy camping but it's been a long time since I went... somehow food cooked outside tastes so incredibly delicious...

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