Wednesday 7 September 2011

Some Sewing Done

I did manage to sleep last night and didn't snore, so DH said.
As this cold is in my chest now I hope I don't cough all night.

I have done a little bit of hexie sewing tonight while watching the T.V.
And helped Zac find  ( gh ) words in the newspaper to cut out and paste in his book. You wouldn't think it would be so hard to find the words but it was. We finally found the required amount he needed.

No photo's today. I hope it's back tomorrow because I can't even read my email it's that slow.

DH changed around the chickens before he went to work, so now the 3 are living in the new duck yard and the 5 babies are in the little pen under the light.

Well I am going to finish my cup of tea and go to bed.

The girls layed 17 eggs today.

Until Next Time.

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