Monday 8 October 2012

New Phone

A couple of days a go DH's mobile phone kicked the bucket.....
So this morning we went to town to get him a new one.....we were lucky he was out of contract.
He got an updated version of the one he had.

When I went off to work he went to buy some more wood to build a cupboard and shelf for the bathroom.
He has stained all the wood for the skirting and was cutting out the cupboard when I got home.
It is all stained and ready to assemble.
So the bathroom is nearly finished.
We won't get around to the painting until DH finishes nightshift and starts his weeks holiday.

The girls laid 4 eggs today.

Kentucky Derby

Until Next Time.


Grit said...

This rose looks so fantastic.
Liebe Grüße Grit

Impera Magna said...

Not long now for a bathroom finish! I know you're looking forward to having everything done...

How much longer for the baby chicks to hatch?

Out-and-out gorgeous rose!!!

Simone Harding said...

Woohoo glad DH got a new phone.
Can't wait to see the bathroom complete

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